Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 18 -- Organization

After almost a week of slaving and sweating, THE APARTMENT IS ORGANIZED!

This is one of my favorite things. Our end table in the living room is now my personal wedding display. My favorite framed picture of the wedding, our scrapbook and autograph album, one of our wedding gift candle hurricanes, and a bowl of our wedding M&Ms. We have about 55 of the original 60 pounds left.

Day 17 -- Bride and Groom Chairs

My chair and Brayden's chair at our dinner bar. We haven't got a table, and most of the time we actually eat dinner picnic style on the floor, but we like it that way :)

But, whenever we do eat at the bar, somehow I always end up on the left and he on the right. So I've formalized our chairs.

That was my fun decorative thing for the day.

Day 16 -- Whipped Cream

I made whipped cream today! I'd never made it before, so I was happy when my adventures in cooking continued to progress successfully.