Monday, June 24, 2013

"Bloody Jack"

Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary "Jacky" Faber, Ship's Boy by L.A. Meyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was an "Audible" find for me ... while I was sifting through endless samples, looking for a narrator I can even halfway tolerate. I'm frighteningly picky about narrators ... especially the women.

But Katherine Kellgren, who reads the entire "Bloody Jack" series, was a revelation. She brought to life perfectly an already gripping and thrilling adventure. Had I not stumbled upon her voice, I would never have been introduced to Mary "Jacky" Faber, or "Bloody Jack." The star of our series. A young orphan girl, who leaves her miserable life as an urchin beggar behind and, disguised as a boy, enlists in the King's Navy as a ship's boy.

What I expected to be a fairly routine and cookie-cutter story turned out instead to be an absolutely delightful read. (Or, in my case, listen.) I was surprised at how quickly it roped me in, and how easily I got lost in the sails and polished decks of the HMS Dolphin.

So hoist the mainstay, veer to starboard, and smooth sailing soldiers! Ride the rolling tide to your nearest bookstore, and start readin' those letters! Captain's orders! And if you're pressed for time, ask Katherine Kellgren. She'll do the reading for you!

View all my reviews

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Confessions of a Homeless Housewife

While I was opening my fourth baking-related gift of the day on Christmas, my mother said, "Who would have ever thought that Kaitlin would grow up to be so domestic?"

The answer to that is : nobody.

I was the type who wasn't going to get married until I was 35. I hated dresses, I despised wearing white because I was a notoriously messy child, and "helping" with dinner was simply a clever ruse to hide my taste-testing everything in sight.

But I got married at 19. I started cooking, and actually enjoying it. I sew for fun (heck, I have my own machine and dress dummy) and I would rather be home alone baking on a Saturday night than out at the movies.

Oh, and I wear SKIRTS now!  And SUNDRESSES!  When did THAT happen?!

But the sad truth is, now that I enjoy all these domestic pursuits so much more than I ever thought I would, who do I have to share them with?  I get in the mood to make something, and lose my motivation halfway through, because what's the point?  I'm a nomad.  I haven't lived in the same place for more than a year in 5 years.  Anything I make, I'll just have to find a place for in the already crowded apartment.  The kitchen is small, and every time I go on a baking spree I take up two whole rooms, and get in everyone's way.  When I make dinner, I make enough to feed a small army, and most of it simply goes to waste.

What happened to me?

And what do you do with yourself when you're a homeless housewife?