Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Welcome to today's episode of, "YOU KNOW YOU'RE MARRIED WHEN..."

Today, we here at YKYMW would like to focus on the joy of kitchen appliances. Specifically, the toaster.

Exhibit A: Behold the cheap, dollar-store toaster that the couple in question HAS been using.  Only two slots, meaning if both parties have two pieces of toast, they can NEVER eat breakfast at the same time!  This toaster is two years old and STILL smells like burned rubber every time it's used.

Exhibit B: The NEW toaster! Behold, this shiny temple of dials and wires.  It was given as an Easter gift by the wife's parents just this past Sunday, and the excitement it has caused in this household rivals that of Harry Potter fans lining up to get tickets for the latest movie.

Ladies and gentlemen, strange things happen when you get married. Things that may have been important in the past suddenly cease to be quite as cool as getting a new gadget, or having all of your laundry done.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Some friends of mine are co-directing a play at the local middle school.  So, surrounded all day by 10-12-year-olds, yes?  


They discovered last week during rehearsal that none of them have ever seen CINDERELLA!



I'm highly disturbed by this.  Parenting fail.

Project Mode

I've been getting that itch again.  The need to create, to build, to MAKE something.  Of course, the problem with my creative impulses is that I'm truly not all that creative.  I don't have the natural gift for color composition, or beadwork or sewing or even cooking.
And so, I often find myself sitting amidst a mess of fabric, string, and hot glue, DESPERATELY trying to make something appealing, or remotely attractive.

It rarely works out that way.

So tonight, I decided to start small. I'm heading into summer break and, with the exception of one class and the Maymester Musical, I'm going to be relatively free. I've already decided to spend much of my time learning new recipes in an attempt to become a better cook, but now I've added the crafting aspect to my Homemaker Training.

Anyway, here was my project of the night. I don't have a "Before" picture for you, so you'll just have to imagine the lamp without fringe.

I think it went rather well.  However, it's the only one of my projects tonight that did :( Since Brayden is off doing important pre-med homeworky things, I stayed in project mode.  And now, I have to go clean the kitchen.

... Like I said, THIS was the only project that worked out ... Including my dinner.