Saturday, September 1, 2012

Christmas Spirit

Christmas music, movies, decorations ... they hold a special fascination for me. But, I am very strict about when I can indulge in any Christmas traditions. The day after Thanksgiving, that's when the movies come out and the music comes on. Just ask Brayden ... we fought about this almost monthly.

Christmas Spirit is a very big deal to me, and it's weird, but I've developed this quirk over the years where if I'm watching Christmas movies or listening to Christmas music at any other time of year, it means I'm incredibly depressed. It's a mark of how bad things are when I'm watching "The Santa Clause" in mid-August.

I'm not quite sure why this happens. Maybe it's because the holiday season is my very favorite time of year, and I get really depressed when it's over. And then I get antsy waiting for it to start again. Holidays are very special to me, and I don't like to have them tainted or ruined in any way, so I keep them tucked away in their proper month, and throw myself into the holiday spirit when it FINALLY comes around.

But at times like these, when I'm so blue that I don't even care, when I'm already in a rather melancholy place ... sometimes, a little dose of Christmas spirit cheers me up.